The breaker is come up before them: they have broken up, and have
passed through the gate, and are gone out by it: and their king shall
pass before them, and the Lord on the head of them." - Micah 2:13
Pause, my soul, over this precious scripture, and ask thine own heart
who this Almighty Breaker can be, except the Lord Jesus Christ; for he,
and he alone, answers to such a divine character. Was it not he which
came up as the Breaker from everlasting; when, in the council of peace,
the divine decree was broken open, and the Son of God stood forth the
sinner's Surety? Was it not he whom John saw by vision, who alone was
found worthy in heaven to open the book, and loose the seals thereof?
Was it not the same precious Holy One, who, when in the volume of the
book it was found written of him, that he should fulfill the law of
Jehovah for sinful man, cried out," Lo, I come? And was it not Jesus,
even thy Jesus, my soul, that in the fullness of time came up as the
Breaker, to break down the dreadful bar of separation which sin had
made between God and man, and to open a new and living way for the
sinner to God by his blood? And when he had broken down the fence sin
had made in disobedience to the divine law, the accusations of Satan,
the dominion of death and the grave, by sustaining the whole weight and
burden of all in his own precious person; did he not, as the Almighty
Breaker; burst asunder the bars of death, and prove himself thereby
indeed to be this Almighty Breaker in such a palpable evidence, that it
was impossible his holy soul could beholden by it? And hath he not
broken through all intervening obstacles, ascended up on high, led
captivity captive, entered into glory, and there ever liveth and
appeareth in the presence of God for us? Is not Jesus then this
Almighty Breaker? But, my soul, look yet further. It is said also, in
this blessed scripture, that the Breaker is not only come up before
them, (that is, his people,) but that "they have broken up, and have
passed through the gate, and are gone out by it; and their king shall
pass before them, and the Lord on the head of them. "And so they are,
if so be this Almighty Breaker hath broken down the strong holds of sin
and Satan in which they lay bound; broken down the natural hatred and
enmity of their own heart against God and his Christ in which they were
born, and in which they lived, and must have died, but for his
sovereign grace manifested in them and towards them; burst open the
prison doors of Satan, and broke off his cursed chains, and brought
them out! If these things are wrought and accomplished in the people,
may they not be said, in his strength, to have broken up, and have
passed through the gate of Satan's dominions, and are gone oust by it
into the glorious liberty of the sons of God? Is it so, my soul, in thy
experience? Dost thou indeed know Jesus for thy Almighty Breaker, by
such sweet and precious tokens of his love and power? Hath thy King
passed thus before thee, and thy Lord on the head of thee? Oh then, be
ever on the lookout for all the renewed visits of his grace, in which
he still acts as thine Almighty Breaker, in breaking down all the
remaining obstacles which thy unbelief, and fears, and doubts, are
continually raising up against thy own happiness, in his precious
manifestations. Look up to him daily, hourly, minutely, if possible,
that he may break down all the remains of indwelling corruption in thy
nature, by which these fears and this unbelief gets hold fast in thy
soul; and be often on the lookout also for that glorious day of God,
when this Almighty Breaker shall finally and fully come, and break
through the clouds to judgment, to break down every remaining evil that
keep thee now from the everlasting enjoyment of thy Lord. Hasten,
blessed Jesus! come, my beloved, and, with a glory infinitely
surpassing all conception, manifest thyself as the Almighty Breaker, in
this full display of thy sovereignty and power. And then, as Samson
(the type in this instance) carried with him the gates of his prison,
so wilt thou break up and carry away all the gates of thy people's
graves, and take all thy redeemed home with thee to glory, that where
thou art, there they shah be also. Hail, thou Almighty Breaker! Jesus
omnipotent, reigneth!
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