"When Jesus therefore saw his mother, and the disciple standing by,
whom he loved, he saith unto his mother, woman, behold thy son. Then
saith he to the disciple, behold thy mother." - John 19:26, 27
This was the second among the dying words of the Lord Jesus; and no
doubt, of high importance in their full sense and meaning: not simply
to recommend Mary to the care of the beloved apostle, John, but
probably of greater moment in reference to the church of Jesus at
large. My soul, is it not very certain that the Lord Jesus knew all the
events which would take place in all generations of his people? And as
such, did not Jesus perfectly well know also that the time would come
when divine honours would be offered to Mary? These points cannot be
disputed. Well then, is it not worthy the closest observation, that
Jesus both in this place, and upon all other occasions, when speaking
of Mary, called her woman? Why so? If, as Jesus knew, that there would
be some who would pray to her, and call her mother of God, by which
name the Holy Ghost never, distinguished her, neither the Lord Jesus
himself; could there have been a more decided method adopted than this
to discountenance such idolatry, than when Jesus, in his dying moments,
called Mary only woman? Besides, was it not on another account, that as
Jesus was to be the seed of the woman, which was promised to bruise the
serpent's head, such a dying testimony might serve instead of a
thousand witnesses, in proof of the confirmation of the fact: and
Mary's song might be the song of thousands - "My soul doth magnify the
Lord, and my spirit hath rejoiced in God my Saviour!" But when we have
thus attended to the second cry of Christ upon the cross, in reference
to those sweet points, do thou, my soul, remember also how tenderly
those expressions of thy Lord recommend all the endearing affections of
love and regard through all the members of Christ's mystical body. To
behold our mother, or to behold our sons, are only different
expressions to intimate that all true believers in Jesus are members of
one another, and of his body, his flesh, and his bones. And as it was
by our Lord himself in this life, so is it with all his redeemed, both
in this life and in that which is to come; they who do the will of his
Father, which is in heaven, the same are Christ's brethren, and
sisters, and mother.
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