"When Jesus therefore had received the vinegar, he said, it is finished." - John 19:30
Perhaps these words formed the sixth cry of the Lord Jesus on the
cross. The glorious close of all his sufferings was now arrived; and
full of these high ideas which occupied his holy mind, he cried out,
"It is finished!" What is finished? Redemption-work is finished. All
the long series of prophecies, visions, types, and the shadows of good
things to come, which pointed to Jesus and redemption by him, were now
finished in their accomplishment. The law was finished in its
condemning power; and the gospel commenced its saving influence. Jesus,
by that one sacrifice now offered, had forever perfected them that are
sanctified. The separation between Jew and gentile was now finished and
done away forever. Jesus had now "gathered together, in one, all the
children of God which are scattered abroad." The iron reign of sin and
Satan, of death and hell, were now broken in pieces by this stone cut
out of the mountain without hands; and life and immortality, pardon,
mercy, and peace, were brought to light, and secured to the faithful,
by this finished redemption of the Lord Jesus Christ. The peace, the
love, the favour of God the Father, was now obtained; and that
spiritual kingdom of the Lord Jesus, which shall have no end, was from
this moment set up in the hearts and minds of his people. The sure
descent of the Holy Ghost was now confirmed; and the Lord Jesus
already, by anticipation, beheld his Israel of old, and his gentile
church, as well as Ethiopia and the multitude of the isles, stretching
forth their hands unto God. Full of these and the like glorious
prospects the mind of Jesus was filled; and having received the
vinegar, as the last prophecy remaining then to be completed, he cried
out, "It is finished!" My soul, never let these precious, precious
words of Jesus depart from thy mind. Do by them as Moses commanded
Israel concerning the words he gave them; "let them be in thy heart,
and in thy soul; bind them as a sign upon thine hand, and let them be
as frontlets between thine eyes." Tell thy God and Father what thy
Jesus hath told thee - "It is finished!" He hath finished redemption for
thee; and He will finish redemption in thee. He hath destroyed death,
both satisfied and glorified the law, taken away the curse, made full
restitution for sin, brought in an everlasting righteousness, and
opened the glorious mansions of the blessed as the home and rest of all
his people. Oh my soul, let these dying words of thy Jesus be made by
thee as an answer to all thy prayers, and begin that song to the Lamb,
which ere long, thou wilt fully and loudly sing among the church
above - "Worthy is the Lamb that was slain; for thou wast slain, and hast
redeemed us to God by thy blood."
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