"Jesus therefore, knowing all things that should come upon him, went
forth, and said unto them, whom seek ye? They answered him, Jesus of
Nazareth. Jesus saith unto them, I am he. And Judas also, which
betrayed him, stood with them. As soon then as he had said unto them, I
am he, they went backward and fell to the ground." - John 18:4-6
What a glorious scripture is this! Ponder it well, my soul; for of all
the miracles of thy, Jesus, there is not one more sweet and
satisfactory to contemplate. Yesterday thou wast looking at thy
Redeemer under a heavy cloud. Look at him as he is here represented,
for he is still, in this transaction, in the same garden of Gethsemane;
and behold how the Godhead shone forth with a glory surpassing all
description. Observe what a willing sacrifice was Jesus. He knew the
hour was come, for he had said so. He doth not wait to be taken, and by
wicked hands to be crucified and slain: but he goeth forth to surrender
himself. Yes! Jesus did not go to the garden of Gethsemane for nothing;
he knew Judas would be there; he knew the powers of darkness would be
there; he knew his whole soul would be in an agony; but there Jesus
would go. He had said at the table of his disciples," Arise, let us go
hence. "Precious, precious Jesus! how endearing to my poor soul is this
sweet view of thy readiness and earnestness to become a sacrifice for
the sins of thy people. Thou hast this baptism, Lord, to be baptized
with; and how wast thou straitened until it was accomplished! There was
a time, dear Lord, when the multitudes sought for thee to make thee a
king; so convinced were they, for the moment, who thou wert; and then
thou didst hide thyself from them. But now thine enemies come to make
thee king with a crown of thorns, and to nail thy sacred body to the
cross, thou didst hasten to meet them. Well might the prophet say, thou
wentest forth for the salvation of thy people. Look at this scripture
again, my soul. "Whom seek ye?" said Jesus. Did they not know him? It
was a light night, most probably; for the moon was then at the full;
besides, the seekers of Christ had lanterns and torches. How was it
they did not know him? Didst thou for the moment, dearest Lord, do by
them as thine angels at the gate of Lot by the Sodomites, so cause
their eyes to be holden that they should not know thee? Was there
somewhat of a miracle in this also? But, my soul, behold the wonder of
wonders that followed: no sooner had Jesus said to their inquiry, (whom
seek ye) "I am he," than they went backward and fell to the ground. Was
there indeed some sudden overpowering emanation of the Godhead,
breaking through the vail of Jesus's flesh, which induced this effect?
Was it ever known, ever heard of, in any age or period of the world, of
such an effect before? Supposing all the monarchs of the earth, with
the mightiest armies of men, could be assembled together, how should
such an event be induced by the breath of their mouth? Contemplate
this, my soul, again and again Rejoice, my soul, in this view of thy
Saviour; for never, surely, was a greater miracle of thy Redeemer's
wrought; and remember how soon it took place after his agony. Never go
to Gethsemane in meditation, without taking the recollection of it with
thee. "Behold the man!" behold the God! Here was nothing exercised by
Jesus; no weapon, no threat, no denunciation, no appeal to the Father.
Jesus only simply said, "I am he," and they fell to the earth. Precious
Jesus, what a volume of instruction doth it afford. If such was the
effect in the day of thy flesh, how sure is that scripture concerning
the day of thy power, in which it is said," The Lord shall consume the
wicked with the breath of his mouth, and destroy them with the
brightness of his coming. "2 Thess. ii. 8. And if, my soul, there was
such power in the word of thy Saviour, when he only said to his
enemies, "I am he," why shouldest thou not feel all the sweetness and
gracious power of his love, when he saith, "Fear not, I am he; behold I
am with thee: it is I; be not afraid." Ponder, my soul, in this view
also, the awful state of a soul hardened by sin. The enemies of Jesus,
though they fell to the ground at his mere word, felt no change, no
compunction, at the display of it. Judas also was with them. Yes! he
fell also; but Satan had entered into him, and a reprobate mind marked
him as the son of perdition. Oh precious Jesus! how fully read to thy
people, in every part of thy word, is the solemn truth, that grace
makes all the difference between him that serveth God, and him that
serveth him not. Oh keep me, Lord, and I shall be well kept; for unto
thee do I lift up my soul!
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