"And Aaron shall lay both his hands upon the head of the live goat, and
confess over him all the iniquities of the children of Israel, and all
their transgressions in all their sins, putting them upon the head of
the goat, and shall send him away by the hand of a fit man into the
wilderness. And the goat shall bear upon him all their iniquities, into
a land not inhabited." - Leviticus 26:21-22
Pause, my soul, and behold the tender mercy of thy God, in thus causing
to be represented to the church of old, by so striking a service, that
grand and most momentous doctrine of the gospel, which, in after-ages
of the church was fully set forth and completed, when Jehovah laid upon
our Lord Jesus Christ the iniquities of his people. And do, my soul,
attend to those several most interesting points here graciously
revealed. As first - this was at the express command of God. Yes, who
but God could transfer or permit a change of persons in the
transferring of sin? This is one of the most blessed parts of the
gospel, that when Jesus bore our sins in his own body on the tree, it
was by the express will and appointment of Jehovah. The Lord Jesus took
not those sins on himself; but the Lord laid on him the iniquity of us
all. Mark this down in strong characters. Then next consider - that as
Jesus had a transfer of all the sins of his people, consequently they
were no longer upon the people, from whom they were transferred. Here
faith finds full scope for exercise, in giving God the credit due to
God. The sending away the goat was intended to represent the full
remission of sins; and by the goat bearing them away into a land not
inhabited, intimated that those sins should never be seen nor known
anymore; according to that precious scripture of the Holy Ghost by the
prophet - "The iniquity of Israel shall be sought for, and there shall
be none; and the sins of Judah, and they shall not be found," Jer. 1.
20. And there is one sweet thought more, not to be overlooked in this
blessed scripture, concerning those sins. Observe, my soul, the
particularity of the expression. The confession of Aaron, the great
high priest, was not only of all the iniquities of the children of
Israel, but all their transgressions in all their sins. Pause, my soul,
over this view, and recollect that there are many, and sometimes very
heinous and aggravated circumstances of transgression in thy sins. Now
what a sweet thought of relief to thy mind is it, under particular and
galling circumstances, of sin, to behold thy Jesus bearing thy sins,
and all the transgression of all thy sins. The Lord caused to meet in
him, as the passage might have been rendered, the iniquities of us all.
Isa. liii. 6. Jesus was made as the common, receiver, the drain, the
sink, into which all the sins, and every minute and particular sin, was
emptied. "He shall drink of the brook in the way," said the Holy Ghost.
Ps. cx. 7. Was not this the black and filthy brook of Kedron, into
which all the filth from the sacrifices of the temple was emptied? Here
it was Jesus passed, when, in the night of his entering on his passion,
he went into the garden. Look to this, my soul, and see whether it doth
not strikingly, though solemnly, at the same time, set forth Jesus
bearing all and every particular transgression in all thy sin. One
thought more. The goat thus laden with all the sins of the people, was
to be sent away by the hand of some fit man into the wilderness. As
none but Jesus could be competent to bear sins, so none but Jesus could
be fit to bear them away into a land of everlasting forgetfulness. It
doth not lessen the beauty of this blessed scripture in the
representation here made, in Jesus being set forth under two
characters; for he is so in many. None but Jesus can indeed accomplish
all: he is the High Priest, the Altar, and the Sacrifice, through all
the law; and he is the fit man here represented, as well as the
burden-bearer of sin. Hail! thou great High Priest! Blessed forever be
thou who hast borne away all the sins of thy people into a land not
inhabited. Thou hast crossed out, in God's book of account, each and
every individual sin, and the transgression of all our sins, in the red
letters of thy blood; and never shall they appear again to the
condemnation of thy people.
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