"They shall hunger no more." - Revelation 7:16
My soul! contemplate for a moment, before thou enterest upon the
concerns of time and sense, in the claims of the world, the blessed
state of the redeemed above. They are at the fountain-head of
happiness, in their station, in their service, in their society, in
their provision, in their everlasting exemption from all want, and
above all, in the presence of God and the Lamb. "They shall hunger no
more." Sweet thought! Let me this day anticipate as many of the blessed
properties of it as my present state in Jesus will admit. If Jesus be
my home, my residence, my dwelling-place, will not the hungerings of my
soul find supply? Yes, surely. A life of faith on the Son of God, is a
satisfying life, under all the changes of the world around. Finding
Jesus, I find sustenance in him, and therefore do not hunger for ought
besides him. "Thou art my hiding-place," said one of old; and my soul
finds occasion to adopt the same language. And He that is' my
hiding-place, is also my food and my nourishment. In Jesus there is
both food and a fence; there is fruit, as well as a shadow; and the
fullness of Jesus needs vent in the wants of his people, for the
pouring forth of his all-sufficiency. My soul, cherish this thought to
the full. If thy hunger be really for Jesus, and him only, then will
thy hunger be abundantly supplied in his communication. As long as I
look at my wants, without an eye to Jesus, I shall be miserable. But if
I consider those wants and that emptiness purposely appointed for the
pouring out of his fullness, they will appear as made for the cause of
happiness. Jesus keeps up the hungering, that he may have the
blessedness OF supplying them; he keeps his children empty that he may
fill them, and that his fullness may be in request among them. So far,
therefore, is my hungering from becoming a source of sorrow, it
furnisheth out a source of holy joy. I should never be straitened in
myself, when I am not straitened in Jesus. Nay, it would be a sad token
of distance from Jesus if a sense of want was lessened. While, on the
other hand, the best proof' I can have of nearness to Jesus, and living
upon him, is, when my enjoyment of Jesus discovers new and increasing
wants, and excites an holy hungering for his supplying them. By and by
I shall get home, and then at the fountain head of rapture and delight,
all hungering and wants will be done away, in the full and everlasting
enjoyment of God and the Lamb!
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