"And for their sakes I sanctify myself." - John 17:19
Let thy morning thoughts, my soul, be directed to this sweet view of
thy Saviour. Behold thy Jesus presenting himself as the surety of his
people before God and the Father. Having now received the call and
authority of God the Father, and being fitted with a body suited to the
service of a Redeemer, here see him entering upon the vast work; and in
those blessed words, declaring the cause of it - "I sanctify myself."
Did Jesus mean that he made himself more holy for the purpose? No,
surely: for that was impossible. But by Jesus sanctifying himself, must
be understood (as the Nazarite from the womb, consecrated, set apart,
dedicated to the service to which the Father had called him), a
voluntary offering-an holy unblemished sacrifice. And observe for whom:
"for their sakes;" not for himself; for he needed it not. The priests
under the law made their offerings, first for themselves, and then for
the people. "But such an High Priest became us, who is holy, harmless,
undefiled, separate from sinners, and made higher than the heavens; and
who needed not daily, as those high priests, so to offer. For the law
maketh men high priests which have infirmity; but the Son is
consecrated for evermore. "My soul, pause over this view of thy Jesus;
and when thou hast duly pondered it, go to the mercy-seat, under the
Spirit's leadings and influences, and there, by faith, behold thy
Jesus, in his vesture dipped in blood, there sanctified, and there
appearing in the presence of God for thee. There plead the dedication
of Jesus; for it is of the Father's own appointment. There tell thy God
and Father, (for it is the Father's glory, when a poor sinner glorifies
his dear Son in him) that He, that Holy One, whom the Father
consecrated, and with an oath confirmed in his high priestly office
forever, appeareth there for thee. Tell God that thy High Priest's
holiness and sacrifice was altogether holy, pure, without a spot; and
both his Person, and his nature, and offering, clean as God's own
righteous law. Tell, my soul, tell thy God and Father these sacred,
solemn truths. And while thou art thus coming to the mercy-seat, under
the leadings of the Spirit, and wholly in the name and office-work of
thy God and Saviour, look unto Jesus, and call to mind those sweet
words, for whose sake that Holy One sanctified himself; and then drop a
petition more before thou comest from the heavenly court: beg, and
pray, and wrestle with the bountiful Lord for suited strength and
grace, that as, for thy sake, among the other poor sinners of his
redemption-love, Jesus sanctified himself, so thou mayest be able to be
separated from everything but Jesus; and as thy happiness was Christ's
end, so his glory may be thy first and greatest object. Yes, dearest
Jesus, methinks I hear thee say, - Thou shalt be for me, and not for
another: so will I be for thee. Oh! thou condescending, loving God,
"make me thine; that whether I live, I may live unto the Lord; or
whether I die, I may die unto the Lord; so that living or dying, I may
be thine."
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