"Oh that I knew where I might find him, that I might come even to his
seat! I would order my cause before him, and fill my mouth with
arguments. Will he plead against me with his great power? No; but he
would put strength in me." - Job 23:3-4
My soul, are these thy breathings? Dost thou really long, and, like
David, even pant, to come before the throne of grace? Art thou at a
loss how to come, how to draw nigh? Wouldest thou fill thy mouth with
arguments, and have thy cause so ordered as to be sure not to fail?
Look to Jesus! Seek from him the leadings of the Spirit; and while
thine eye is steadily fixed on thy great High Priest within the vail,
still wearing a vesture dipped in blood, see to it that thy one great
plea is, for a perfect and complete justification before God and thy
Father, upon the sole footing of righteousness. Yes, my soul, plead
earnestly, heartily, steadily; and, like Jacob, wrestling with God,
upon the sole footing of righteousness: Wouldest thou fear on this
ground? Yes, thou wouldest have cause enough to fear and tremble, if
thy plea was with the least reference to any righteousness of thine.
But, my soul, remember it is Jesus's righteousness, and his only, with
which, like Job, thy mouth must be filled with arguments. This is the
strength thy God and Father will put in thee: and it is a strength of
Jehovah's founded in his justice. As a poor guilty sinner, thou
couldest have nothing to plead but free grace and rich mercy. But when
thou comest in Jesus, thy Surety's righteousness, thou mayest appeal,
and art expected so to do, to God's holiness and his justice also. Oh,
how sweet the assurance, how unanswerable the plea, how secure the
event! Jesus hath fulfilled the law - Jesus hath paid the penalty of
justice; and God hath promised to pardon and bless his seed, his
redeemed in him. Hence, the apostle Paul, in the contemplation of death
and judgment, while looking at his everlasting security in Jesus, cries
out, "Henceforth there is laid up for me a crown of righteousness,
which the Lord, the righteous Judge, shall give me at that day; and not
to me only, but unto all them that love his appearing. "Behold then, my
soul, thy vast privilege; and when, like Job, thou art desiring to
approach a throne of grace now, or looking forward to a throne of
judgment hereafter- never, never for a moment forget that this is the
way, and the only way, (for a blessed sure way it is,) maintaining
communion with God in Christ. Thy God, thy Father, will not plead
against a righteousness of his own appointing; but he will put Jesus,
his strength, in thee. Hallelujah!
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