"Having a desire to depart, and to be with Christ." - Philippians 1:23
My soul, thou hast not, I hope, dismissed the solemn thoughts opened to
thy view by the scripture of yesterday. Surely, since that last
morning, thou hast had but too many renewed occasions to feel the truth
of it. Sin is not only present with thee at all times, but in thee, and
as inseparable from thy unrenewed part, as the shadow from the
substance. Thou knowest this, thou feelest it, thou groanest under it;
and the consciousness of it is, in itself, enough to make thee go
humbly all thy days. All other afflictions are nothing to this
affliction: this, like the ocean compared to rivers, surpasseth and
swalloweth up all. It is indeed a soul-supporting thought, (and,
blessed be God, thou feelest the sweetness of it,) that under all, and
in all, Jesus is thy hope. And while sin is always present with thee,
Jesus, thy Advocate and Propitiation, is present for thee with the
Father. But though in Him, and his righteousness accepted and secure,
yet the consideration how much thy daily short-comings and
transgressions dishonour God, and deprive thee of comfort here, is
matter sufficient to make thine eyes run down with water, and thine
heart continually to mourn before the-mercy-seat. And will these things
always be the same, whilst thou carriest about with thee this body of
sin? Shall this perishing part of thine be always so unfavourable to
the sweet and gracious desires of the soul? Shall I never, never truly
and uninterruptedly enjoy Jesus until the body is dissolved, and the
dust returns to the earth out of which that part of my nature was
taken? Pause, my soul, and say - Hast thou not then a desire to depart,
and to be with Christ! Is not the grave, in this view, not only made
bearable, but even desirable-nay, even pleasant? What, shall I never be
wholly free from sin, until that I am wholly freed from the body! Shall
I never be secure of sweet enjoyment with Jesus in ordinances, in
retirement, in prayer, in praise, until that I drop this body of sin?
And wouldest thou not, my soul, gladly part with such a partner, near
and dear as it is, if this partner, in its present state, so dreadfully
robs thee of thy most precious enjoyments? It is true, death in itself
is not desirable: but if only by dying thou canst enjoy Jesus; and if
only by dying this body will lose its corruptions; if the grave hath a
commission from thy Jesus to destroy that part only of thy body which
is corrupt, and at the same time to act as a preserver of that part
which Jesus at the last day will raise up to glory; if Jesus hath
assured thee that, though worms destroy thy corrupt part, yet thine
eyes, even thy bodily eyes, when raised up by Jesus a glorified body,
shall see God; and if thy body, thus raised up and re-animated, shall
then be not only wholly freed from all corruption, but equally disposed
as the soul to praise thy God and Saviour forever and forever, and both
soul and body unite as dear friends in this blessed service. Oh then,
from henceforth never, my soul, look at death any more but as thy kind
friend. It is to die to sin; but it is to live to Jesus. It is to be
dead to all things but Jesus, that Jesus may be all things in life
forever. Oh then, for this desire to depart and to be with Christ!
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