"Oh! thou of little faith, wherefore didst thou doubt." - Matthew 14:31
My soul, how sweet is it to eye Jesus in all things, and to be humbled
in the recollection of his compassions to thy unaccountable instances
of unbelief, after the many, nay, continued and daffy experiences,
which thou hast had of his love and faithfulness. And doth thy Jesus
speak to thee this day, in those expostulating words, "Oh! thou of
little faith, wherefore didst thou doubt?" What answer wilt thou
return? Is there anything in thy life to justify, or even to apologize
for doubting? Look back - behold thy God and Father's grace, and mercy,
and love; - a Saviour so rich, so compassionate, so answering all wants,
in spirituals, temporals, and eternals; - a blessed Spirit, so
condescending to teach, to lead, and by his influences to be
continually with thee! Surely, a life like thine, crowded with mercies,
blessings upon blessings, and one miracle of grace followed by another
- wherefore shouldest thou doubt? What shall I say to thee, Oh! thou
that art the hope of Israel, and the Saviour thereof? Lord, give me to
believe, and help thou mine unbelief. I beseech thee, my God and
Saviour, give me henceforth faith to trust thee when I cannot trace
thee: give me to hang upon thee, when the ground of all sensible
comforts seems sinking under my feet. I would cling to the faithfulness
of my God in Christ, and throw my poor arms around thee, thou blessed
Jesus, when all things appear the most dark and discouraging. And thus,
day by day, living a life of faith and whole dependence upon thy
glorious Person and thy glorious work, pressing after more sensible
communion with thee, and more imparted strength and grace from thee,
until at length, when thou shalt call me home from a life of faith to a
life of sight - then, precious Jesus, would I say to thee, with my
dying-breath, ‘Oh! present me, washed in thy blood, and clothed in thy
righteousness, among the whole body of thy glorious church, not having
spot or wrinkle, or any such thing, but that I may be without blame
before thee in love.'
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