Psalm 42:8

"The Lord will command his loving-kindness in the day-time, and in the night his song shall be with me, and my prayer unto the God of my life." - Psalm 42:8

Both night and day open sources of comfort, when Jesus is present, and when Jesus sanctifies. How, indeed, my soul, canst thou be otherwise than comfortable, while Jesus is with thee, and manifesting himself unto thee? And do observe, my soul, the sweet expression in this verse. Thy Lord, thy Jesus, will both create blessings and command them. His loving-kindness, which is better than life itself will make daylight in the soul, when otherwise it is night. And his love will shine, as the stars in the darkest night sparkle with more lustre, with increasing brightness, when dark providences are around. Nay, Jesus will give songs in the night, when all things else are out of tune. Do thou, Lord, do thou, my Lord, command then thy loving-kindness both by day and night, and my prayer and praise shall both go forth to thee, the God of my life; and "It shall put more gladness in my heart, than when corn, and wine, and oil increase."

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