"Christ is all, and in all." - Colossians 3:11
Hail, thou great, thou glorious, thou universal Lord. To thee, blessed
Jesus, every knee shall bow. Thou art all in all in creation,
redemption, providence, grace, glory. Thou art all in all in thy
church, and in the hearts of thy people: in all their joys, all their
happiness, all their exercises, all their privileges. Thou art the all
in all in thy word, ordinances, means of grace, the sum and substance
of the whole bible. Speak we of promises? - Thou art the first promise in
the sacred word, and the whole of every promise that follows- for all
in thee are yea and amen. Speak we of the law? "Thou art the end of the
law for righteousness to everyone that believeth." Speak we of
sacrifices? "By thy one sacrifice thou hast forever perfected them that
are sanctified." Speak we of the prophecies? - "To thee give all the
prophets witness, that whosoever believeth in thee shall receive
remission of sins." Yes, blessed, blessed Jesus, thou art the all in
all. Be thou to me, Lord, the all in all I need in time, and then
surely thou wilt be my all in all to all eternity.
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