"And God heard their groaning, and God remembered his covenant." - Exodus 2:24
This is a precious scripture. My soul, put a note upon it. No sigh, no
groan, no tear of God's people can pass unobserved. He putteth the
tears of his people in his bottle. Surely then he can never overlook
what gives vent to those tears, the sorrows of the soul. Our spiritual
afflictions Jesus knows, and numbers all. How sweet the thought! the
Spirit maketh intercession for the saints with the groanings which they
cannot utter. And do, my soul, observe the cause of deliverance. Not
our sighs, nor our groanings, nor our brokenness of heart; not these,
for what benefit can these render to an holy God? But God hath respect
in all to his own everlasting covenant. Yes, Jesus is the all in all of
the covenant. God the Father hath respect to him. For his sake, for his
righteousness, for his atoning blood, the groanings of his people find
audience at the mercy-seat and redress. And God hath respect to his own
word, his oath, his promises to his dear Son. Oh blessed assurance - Oh
precious security! How shall any poor groaning child of God go unheard,
unpardoned, unrelieved, who hath double security in the glory of God
the Father's sovereign grace, and covenant word and oath to depend
upon; and the everlasting covenant righteousness, and atoning blood of
God the Son, to be found in? Here, my soul, rest, forever rest, thy
sure claim to grace and glory.
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