"Whose names are in the book of life." - Philippians 4:3
How is this known? It must be a blessed privilege this, and highly
desirable to attain, if there be a truly scriptural testimony to it.
That there is a book of life, in which the record is made of the people
of the Lamb, is without all dispute, from many parts of scripture. The
church of the first-born are said to have their names written in
heaven; such as are chosen of God in Christ before the world began. But
these are secret things which belong to the Lord our God. Yet it is
said, "the secret of the Lord is with them that fear him, and he will
shew them his covenant." Hence therefore, is not the bible a copy of
this book of life? Are there not scriptural marks and characters given,
by which the correspondence is proved? In both, they are distinguished
by one and the same name and character. They are called the people, the
seed, the offspring of Jesus. They are his, by gift, by purchase, by
conquest, by a voluntary surrender. They are known by the character as
well as by name. They seek salvation only in Jesus. God is their
Father, Jesus their Redeemer, the Holy Ghost their sanctifier. My soul,
see thy name in bible characters answering to this persuasion, and be
assured that the original writing of the book of life in heaven, and
the book of God for life upon earth, is his written word, is in exact
correspondence. Blessed Jesus! give me in this way to know whose I am
and to whom I belong, and then assured shall I be that my name is in
the book of life.
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