"And all mine are thine, and thine are mine; and I am glorified in them." - John 17:10
Precious testimony of a precious truth. See to it, my soul, that thou
suffer not these blessed words of Jesus to drop from thy remembrance;
but make them the everlasting meditation, not only of this morning, but
every morning, and every day, and all the day; and mark thine interest
in them. All Jesus's treasures in his people and his grace, are still
the Father's; for, as Jesus and the Father are one in essence and in
will, so also in property. And the Father's giving the church to Jesus,
with all blessings in him, doth not alienate the Father's right: so in
like manner, all that Jesus hath are the Father's, and Christ is
glorified in them. It is a blessed order in the work and purpose of
redemption, to trace the Father as the original Giver, Fountain, and
Source of all; and then to trace them as Jesus's by virtue of his being
the glorious Mediator. And hence the Holy Ghost is said to take them as
Jesus's and shew unto the people. The Holy Ghost doth not take them
immediately from the Father, but mediately from Christ; because,
without the person and work of Jesus, they never could have been
communicated to us. So that Christ is glorified by the Holy Spirit in
the hearts of his people, when that blessed Spirit takes them, and
gives them, and skews them, not immediately as the Father's, but as the
fruit and consequence of Christ's merits and death, and thus shewing
the common interest both of Father and Son, in all the blessed things
of salvation. My soul, dost thou understand these precious things? Oh
then, live in the enjoyment of them, and see that Jesus is glorified,
and the Father glorified in his dear and ever blessed Son.
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