"Casting all your care upon him; for he careth for you." - 1 Peter 5:7
Yes, blessed Jesus, I would cast all upon thee: sins, sorrows, trials,
temptations. Thou art the Almighty Burden-bearer of thy people; for the
Lord Jehovah hath laid on thee the iniquity of us all. And as thou
bearest all our sins, so thou carriest all our sorrows. And dost thou
not bear all the persons of thy redeemed? Dost thou not bear all our
troubles, all our exercises, all our temptations, trials, difficulties?
The government is upon thy shoulder; the care of the churches is all
with thee. And shall I not cast all my care upon thee? Shall I be
careful for many things, while Jesus saith, "Cast thy burden upon the
Lord, and he shall sustain thee?" Oh for grace to sit loose to all
things, and to leave all things with thee. Lord, do thou bear me up
when I am falling, support me when weak, uphold me against all mine
enemies, carry me safe through a life of grace here - and, finally, bring
me home to thy glory, to behold thee, and dwell with thee forever.
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