Song of Solomon 3:1

"By night on my bed I sought him whom my soul loveth" - Song of Solomon 3:1

Pause, my soul, over this account which the church gives of herself, and see whether such be thine exercises. It is night indeed in the soul whenever Christ is absent, or his presence not enjoyed. And though, blessed be God, the believer's interest in Christ varies riot, yet his joy in the sense of safety is not always the same. Though it be the bed of affliction, or the bed of sickness, it is not the bed of carnal security, when the soul seeks Jesus. We cannot be said to be in a cold, lifeless, and indifferent state, while Jesus is sought for. It may be night indeed, it may be a dark season; yet, nevertheless, when we can say, "With my soul have I sought thee in the night, yea, with my spirit within me will I seek thee early:" surely, this earnestness implies grace, and love, and desire, in lively exercise. However dull, stupid, and unprofitable, at times, ordinances and means of grace may seem; still grace, like the live coal under the embers, is not gone out nor extinguished. Him whom my soul loveth frequently breaks out, and plainly shews that Jesus still lives and reigns within. Oh precious Lord, thou art still the lovely one, the chief one, and the fairest among ten thousand. Be thou all in. all, the hope of glory.

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