"And the Spirit and the bride say, come. And let him that heareth, say,
come. And let him that is athirst, come. And whosoever will, let him
take the water of life freely." - Rev. xxii. 17.
My soul, doth not the evening bell, which calleth to the ordinance, in
all its melodious sounds, seem to express these gracious invitations?
Wilt thou not attend? Private meditation is indeed sweet; but public
ordinances are of more avail. "The Lord loveth the gates of Zion more
than all the dwellings of Jacob!" What a blessed sight is it to see the
house of God well filled! What a refreshment to my poor weary sin-sick
soul, to hear Jesus in his word saying, "Come unto me, all ye that are
weary, and heavy laden, and I will give you rest." And every part and
portion of the service proclaims the gospel cry: - "Ho! every one that
thirsteth, come ye to the waters, and he that hath no money, come ye,
buy and eat; yea, come, buy wine and milk, without money, and without
price." Isa. lv. 1. And do observe, my soul, how, in the close of
scripture, the invitation is repeated; as if to leave the impression
fresh and lasting upon every soul. Yea, the Spirit confirms it; "come,"
is the call of the Holy Ghost; "come," is the call of the whole church,
the bride, the Lamb's wife; yea, every one that heard of the free, and
full, and glorious salvation; the angels, the ministering spirits to
the heirs of salvation, they join the pressing invitation, and cry,
"come." And surely every thirsty soul will not cease to say the same,
for whoever-the Lord the Spirit hath made "willing in the day of his
power," may come in the day of his grace. And if Jesus, with his great
salvation, be welcome to his heart, that heart is welcome to come to
Jesus. My soul, with what a cloud of witnesses is the church of the
living God encompassed; and how many and numerous are the invitations
of grace! Wilt thou not then, in return, echo to the cry, and hasten
thy Redeemer's coming, in the same earnest language? Come, Lord Jesus!
to thy bride, the church, and be thou to all thy redeemed the water of
life, and the fountain of life; until thou take home thy church, which
is here below, to join thy church above, that they may unitedly dwell
together, in the light of thy countenance for evermore!
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