"With the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God." - I Thess. iv. 16.
Before I drop into the arms of sleep, I would call upon my soul to
ponder these words. I know not, each night, when retiring to rest,
whether my next awakening may not be "with the voice of the archangel,
and with the trump of God." As what may be my state in this particular,
and hath been the state of many (for the hour of a man's death is to
all intents and purposes the day of judgment) becomes an infinitely
momentous concern; how can I better close the day and the month
together, than by a few moments' consideration of the solemn event?
What is meant by "the voice of the archangel?" I do not recollect the
name of the archangel being mentioned anywhere beside in scripture,
except Jude 9. and here, as well as there, the person spoken of is but
one. We have no authority to say, archangels; yea, it should seem, from
what the apostle Jude hath said concerning the archangel, in calling
him Michael (if compared with the vision of Daniel, chap. x. 21. and
also with what is said in the book of the Revelations, chap xii. 7.)
that it means the person of Christ. Jesus himself hath said, that "the
dead shall hear the voice of the Son of God; and all that are in their
graves shall come forth." John v. 25-28. At any rate, if the Holy Ghost
speak but of one, and there be but the shadow of a probability that
that one is Christ, it becomes very faulty to join others in the name,
by making the word plural. With respect to "the trump of God," we may
understand, that as the law was given with solemn splendour and glory
on mount Sinai, so the consummation of all things will testify the
divine presence. My soul, meditate on these things; give thyself wholly
to the frequent consideration of them. And, by the lively actings of
faith upon the person of thy Lord, contemplate thy personal interest in
all the blessedness of this great day of God. If this "voice of the
archangel," be indeed the voice of Jesus, and thou knowest now by grace
thy oneness and union with him, shall not the very thought give thee
holy joy? It is true, indeed, the day will be solemn, yea, profoundly
solemn. But it is equally true, that it will be glorious to all the
redeemed. And if the Lord Jesus commanded his disciples to look up, and
lift up their heads with holy joy, when their redemption drew nigh,
shall we not suppose that it must be pleasing to the mind of our God
and Saviour that we welcome and hail the fulfillment of it? Yea, must
it not be pleasing to our God and Father, that we believe in his Son
Jesus Christ to this day of eternal salvation? We find the apostles
thus encouraging the faithful Paul tells Titus to be "looking for that
blessed hope, and the glorious appearing of the great God and our
Saviour Jesus Christ." Titus ii. 13. Surely, if the hope be blessed,
and the appearing of Jesus, as the Redeemer of his people, glorious;
our souls should triumph in the expectation. Peter goes one step
farther, and bids the church not only to be looking but hasting unto
the coming of it; as souls well assured of their safety in Jesus; and
therefore to cry out with holy faith, "Come Lord Jesus, come quickly!"
2 Pet. iii. 12. What sayest thou, my soul, to these things? Are they
blessed? Are thy hopes thus going forth in desires after Christ's
coming? Oh! the blessedness of falling asleep each night, in the sleep
of nature, in the perfect assurance of a oneness with Christ? And Oh!
the blessedness of falling asleep in Jesus, when the Lord gives the
signal for the sleep of death! All the intervening lapse of time, from
death to this hour of the "voice of the archangel," is totally lost to
the body, like the unconscious lapse of time to the labouring man of
health, whose sleep each night is sweet. When the patriarchs, of their
different ages, arise at "the trump of God," their bodies will be
equally unconscious whether the sleep hath been for one night, or
several thousand years. Think, my soul, of these solemn but precious
things. Frequently meditate with holy joy and faith, upon this great
day of God. Recollect that it is Jesus who comes to take thee home. And
having long redeemed thee by his blood, he then will publicly
acknowledge thee for his own, and present thee to the Father and
himself, as a part of his glorious church, "not having spot, or
wrinkle, or any such thing; but to be forever without blame before him
in love."
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