"There was silence in heaven about the space of ball an hour." - Revelation 8:1
This is a very striking scripture, and records as striking an event,
when took place on the opening of the seventh seal - silence in heaven;
not a suspension or interruption to the happiness of the place, but the
silent adoration of God and the Lamb. This must be the sense of the
passage, if by heaven we are to understand the place where dwell "the
spirits of just men made perfect." But as it is more than probable that
it refers to the events of the kingdom of Christ upon earth, which are
here spoken of under prophetical representations, the silence may
rather be supposed to mean, that the church of God, both in heaven and
on earth, are waiting in solemn expectation of what events the sounding
of the seventh trumpet will bring forth. But there are some sweet
instructions to be taken from what is here .said, of silence in heaven
by the space of half an hour, which in the silence of an evening
meditation, it may be highly profitable to attend to. If in heaven such
solemn pauses are made, doth it not strike the mind, how very becoming
such must be upon earth? Surely it is a sweet frame of the spirit, to
ponder in silence over the many solemn things which connect themselves
with the very existence of man, in a dying state, and in dying
circumstances like the present; more especially, in the solemn seasons
of devotion, when we draw nigh to a throne of grace, in and through the
ever blessed Jesus, a holy silence in the first approaches, seems
highly suitable to await divine visitations. What a lovely view doth
the Holy Ghost give of David, 2 Sam. vii. 18. "Then went king David in,
and sat before the Lord!" And elsewhere he saith, "truly my soul
waiteth upon God :" in the margin of the bible it is, "Truly, my soul
is silent before God," Ps. lxii. 1. The prophets were commissioned to
enforce this by way of command: "The Lord (saith one of whom) is in his
holy temple; let all the earth keep silence before him," Habak. ii. 20.
And another saith," Be silent, O all flesh, before the Lord, for he is
raised up out of his holy habitation," Zech. ii. 13. And the Lord
himself, having pointed out the blessedness of waiting upon him,
accompanied with a promise that his people who did so, should renew
their strength, immediately' sends forth this precept: "Keep silence
before me, O islands, and let the people renew their strength; let them
come near; then let them speak," Isa. xli. 1. My soul! learn hence, the
beauty of holiness, and the blessedness of waiting in silence before
the Lord. For then, when the Holy Ghost comes in the refreshing
influences of his grace, and commands the north wind and the south wind
to blow, sweet will be the manifestations of the Lord Jesus by the
Spirit, until," while the heart is musing, the holy fire from off the
altar will be kindled," and the soul will go forth in all the exercises
of faith, love, joy, humility, and desire upon the person, work, and
offices of Jesus!
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