"Now that he ascended, what is it but that he also descended first into
the lower parts of the earth? He that descended is the same also that
ascended up far above all heavens, that he might fill all
things." - Ephesians 4:9-10
My soul! thy morning portion led thee to the contemplation of a risen
and ascended Saviour; and by faith and love, I hope thou didst find
thyself ascending with him, and art now still looking to him on the
throne of the Majesty on high. And while thy thoughts are thus occupied
in the most blessed of all subjects, listen to this word of God's
grace, as of a voice behind thee, to remind thee, that he who is thus
gone up, first came down! He that is now in heaven, first came down
from heaven; he is only returned, as a rightful Lord, to his own
kingdom. He hath, indeed, both by his Father's gift, and his own
purchase, obtained a mediatorial crown, to add to his crown of the
Godhead, which he had before in common with the Father and the Holy
Ghost; but in his ascension, thou art not to lose sight of his descent,
which preceded it, when he left the bosom of the Father, to tabernacle
in our nature, for our redemption, in these lower parts of the earth.
And let this sweet view of Jesus give thee an holy boldness and
comfort, in looking to thy risen and exalted Saviour for those
ascension gifts which he is gone up purposely to send down! I want, my
soul (Oh! that the Holy Ghost would forever be giving it to me) to keep
in constant remembrance who it is that thus "ascended up far above all
heavens, that he might fill all things." I charge it upon thee, this
evening, that thou never cease to ask this blessing from God the
Spirit, that in his glorifying the Lord Jesus, he would keep it
continually uppermost in thine heart, that it is Jesus who is thus
exalted; Jesus thy Brother, thy Redeemer, thine Husband, thine Head.
Surely, while thou bearest in remembrance, that" he is ascended up far
above all heavens, that he might fill all things," he would never let
thee go empty, didst thou tell him that thou art part of himself! Could
Jesus, as the head of his body, the church, suffer that body, or any of
its poorest or least members, to go lean, and poor, and wretched, while
he is gone up purposely to send down, and to fill all things? To use
his own words, "No man ever yet hated his own flesh, but nourisheth and
cherisheth it, even as the Lord the church," Ephes. v. 29. Were these
things left upon record as a testimony how Jesus nourisheth and
cherisheth the church, and shall any poor member be without it?
Precious Lord Jesus! henceforth I beseech thee, look on me, and give
me, by thy sweet Spirit, to be always looking unto thee! I see, Lord,
that thou, who art ascended, art the same that descended: this is
enough for me; for, sure I am, thine heart is not changed, but thy love
is the same. And if thy love brought thee down to save, thy love hath
led thee up to bless: and what mercy can my soul want which thy
fullness cannot supply? How can a poor member of thine below, long
need, while "Jesus is ascended up far above all heavens, that he might
fill things?" Oh! for grace to come to thee, to look to thee, to depend
upon thee, and to rest, with full assurance of faith, in that
dependence, that Jesus, our risen, our ascended, our exalted, and full
Saviour, will give to every one of his members, "grace, according to
the measure of the fullness of Christ."
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