“Shepherds abiding in the field, keeping watch over their flock by night.”— Luke ii. 8.
My soul, think what a memorable night was that, which ushered in the
wondrous day, the most momentous ever marked in the annals of time,
since reckoning of days or years was made. The unconscious shepherds in
the fields had no other thought but of their flock. But what a morning
did the angels call them to celebrate! Now, my, soul, sit down and take
a leisurely survey, of the wonderful story of Jesus’s birth. Mark the
several volumes in it; for a night, yea, for a whole eternity must end
before the subject of God incarnate can be exhausted in the meditation.
Let thy evening thoughts on this, be followed by the night
contemplation; and let thy midnight only be broken in upon, by the same
call that the heavenly host gave to the shepherds. Arise but to sing as
they sang, and to go in quest of Jesus, as they went. God and mall in
one person, one Christ; and God in Christ coming for the purposes of
salvation, will furnish out an hymn, which, though begun in life, will
never end in eternity; “Glory to God in the highest, and on earth
peace, good-will towards men!”
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