“Having made known unto us the mystery of his will, according to his
good pleasure, which he hath purposed in himself.”—Eph. i. 9.
My soul, pause over these volumes of divine truth for they are not as
so many simple words, but contain vast volumes indeed, and such as a
whole eternity will not afford space to read over and finish. The first
is a large one indeed—even the mystery of God’s will namely, the
mystery of redemption, originating in the divine mind, before all
worlds. And this is not the smallest part of it, that it should be made
known in any degree or measure to thee, my soul, a poor creature of a
day, and that day, a day of nothing but sin. The second volume in this
vast subject is another precious part of the same glorious truth;
namely, that this mercy of God in Christ is the sole result of God’s
good pleasure. No foresight, no merit, no pretensions of thine, my
soul; no, nor the merits of arch-angels, becoming in the least the
cause. For though a gracious God hath taken occasion to make a glorious
display of the depths of his grace, from the depths of man’s ruin; yet
it was not our state, but his good pleasure, which laid the foundation
of our recovery by Jesus Christ. And the third volume in this
stupendous subject is, that he that planned, executed and finished it.
As none but infinite wisdom could purpose, so none but infinite power
could accomplish. Pause, my soul, and contemplate the vast mercy! It
comes from God in Christ, as the first cause; and reverts back again to
God in Christ, as the final end. Hallelujah.
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