"For the Father himself loveth you, because ye have loved me, and have believed that I came out from God." - John 16:27
See, my soul, how thy Jesus hath endeared to thee the Father in the
assurance of his love. And wilt thou not feel thine whole affections
going forth in continual love after him? Was it not thy Father which,
from everlasting, gave thee Jesus as thy Saviour, and gave thee to
Jesus that he might redeem thee? Was it not from the same precious
source that Jesus came as a Saviour, and a great one, to redeem thee
and other great sinners? Is it not thy Father that hath adopted thee
into his family in Jesus, and given thee the Spirit of adoption,
whereby thou criest, Abba, Father? And doth he not accept thee in
Jesus, bless thee in Jesus, nourish thee with the body and blood of
Jesus, clothe thee with the righteousness of Jesus, and give thee all
temporal, spiritual, and, by and by, will give thee all eternal
blessings in Christ Jesus! Nay, even his chastisements have nothing in
them of wrathful punishment, but fatherly love and mercy in Jesus. Oh
my soul, pause, and behold what manner of love the Father hath bestowed
upon thee, that thou shouldest be called a child of God. And wilt thou
not then from henceforth and forever say unto him in Jesus, - "My Father,
thou art the guide of my youth; for thou hast commanded me so to call
thee." Jeremiah iii. 19.
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