"And the parched ground shall become a pool, and the thirsty land springs of water." - Isaiah 35:7
Oh how refreshing is this promise to my poor, dry, barren, thirsty
soul! Surely every poor sinner, like me, that knows his own leanness
and poverty, will feel the blessedness of it; for whether it be in the
sapless state of unawakened nature, or whether in a scorched or
languishing state from the want of the renewings of grace, nothing can
be more refreshing than such a promise. Precious Jesus, do thou revive
the languishing frame of thy people; do thou "pour water upon him that
is thirsty, and floods upon the dry ground." Oh what a fulness, blessed
Lord, there is in thyself to supply all. Surely thou art, as the church
said, "A fountain of gardens, a well of living waters, and streams from
Lebanon." Do thou then, Oh Lord, send forth this day, this blessed day,
such copious streams from thyself, as may cleanse, revive, comfort,
satisfy, and strengthen all thy churches. Lord, cause me to drink of
the rivers of thy pleasure; for with thee is the fountain of life.
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