"For such an High Priest became us, who is holy, harmless, undefiled,
separate from sinners, and made higher than the heavens." - Hebrews 7:26
What a sweet thought! surely, as a poor sinner, I need an High Priest
to act for me. I cannot, I dare not, approach in myself, and with my
poor polluted offerings, without one. But he that intercedes for me
must be himself holy, free from sin; his sacrifice holy, his obedience
holy, and in all points suited to his office and my necessities.
Cherish, then, the thought, my soul - He that is thine High Priest is all
this, and infinitely more. So holy in himself, that not the shadow of
sin was in him. So harmless, that in his mouth was found no guile. So
undefiled, that though he took all the sins of his people upon him, yet
in himself he was free from all sin. So separate from sinners, that
though he took the nature of man, yet wholly underived from man. And so
much higher than the heavens, that his own personal holiness infinitely
transcended the holiness of angels; for, while they are said to be
charged with folly, Jesus is the Holy One in whom the Father declared
himself well pleased. Meditate, my soul, on these precious features in
thy Jesus, at all times, and upon all occasions; and more especially
when thou drawest nigh the throne of grace, in and through this
glorious Mediator. And moreover, for thy further comfort. and
encouragement to come boldly to the mercy-seat, forget not to recollect
the still further blessed thought, that this holiness of Jesus is the
righteousness of all his people; for he was made sin, when he knew no
sin, that they might be made the righteousness of God in him. And as if
this was not enough, Christ glorified not himself to be made thy High
Priest, but was called to it, as was Aaron. Go then, my soul, go to the
precious, the holy, the harmless, the undefiled High Priest, Christ
Jesus, in whom, and in whose righteousness and atoning blood thou
mayest always have boldness to draw nigh, to find grace and mercy to
help in all time of need.
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