"In thee the fatherless findeth mercy." - Hosea 14:3
Sweet thought! In Jesus, and the relationship, which he hath
condescended to place himself in, all his poor followers may find a
supply to till up every vacancy. My soul, contemplate Jesus in this
blessed feature of character. What relation do we need? The fatherless
are commanded to look to him whose name is the everlasting Father. The
motherless also; for he hath said, "As one whom his mother comforteth,
so will I comfort thee." Doth death make a breach between the husband
and the wife? Then the scripture saith, "Thy Maker is thine husband,
the Lord of Hosts is his name." Are we friendless? "Jesus is the friend
that loveth at all times, that sticketh closer than a brother." In
short, there is no situation among the affinities of life, the kinder
charities of nature, but what Jesus fills and infinitely transcends
all. Pause, my soul, over this view of Jesus, and behold how he
graciously proposeth himself to supply all wants, and to fill all
vacancies. Jesus is both the Father, the Friend, the Brother, the
Husband, the whole in one of all relationships and of all connections.
And amidst all the changes, the fluctuating circumstances of human
affairs, the frailties, and infirmities of our own hearts and the
hearts of others, which sometimes separate chief friends, what a
blessed thought it is; "Nothing can separate from the love of Christ!"
Precious Lord, give me to cry out with the church, under the full
assurance of thine unalterable love; "This is my beloved, and this is
my friend, O daughters of Jerusalem."
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