"Blessed be the Lord, who daily loadeth us with benefits." - Psalm 68:19
Behold, my soul, what a sweet portion for thy morning meditation is
here. See what thou canst gather out of it to furnish new songs of
praise to the bountiful Lord whose mercies it records. Blessed Spirit!
I beseech thee open these precious words of thine to my view. Blessed
be the Lord, it saith, yea, so say I; blessed be Jehovah; blessed be
the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, for they are the united source of all
my blessings. And blessed be the majesty and glory of God forever, who
daily loadeth his people with benefits. Count over, my soul, each of
these blessed expressions, for every word is weighty and ponderous. God
not only gives blessings, but daily. His mercies are constant as the
morning, unceasing, continual; strength suited to the day, and mercies
adapted to every moment. Faith needs no hoards, no banking-houses: nay,
it is faith's precious property, and her blessedness, to be always
empty, in order that the sweetness of being filled by Jesus may be the
better known. But this is not all. God not only daily gives out
blessings, but loadeth his people with benefits. He openeth the windows
of heaven, and poureth out of his grace in such fullness, that there is
not room to receive. He makes their souls like the heart of Elihu, as
it is said of him, for want of vent, like new bottles he was ready to
burst. So Jesus poureth out of his love into the souls of his redeemed,
that they are overpowered with his goodness. Knowest thou not, my soul,
somewhat of this! Oh yes, I trust I do. Why then, "blessed be God, who
daily loadeth me with his benefits." And what endears all this in a ten
thousand times greater degree, is the assurance that the whole is in a
way of salvation. So saith this sweet scripture. He that loadeth us
with benefits, is the God of our salvation. He that is our God, even he
is the God of our salvation. Oh precious, blessed consideration, then
are these blessings everlastingly secured; for he that now daily
loadeth us with benefits, will unweariedly do the same to all eternity.
He is not only the portion of his people now, but will be so forever.
He not only gives strength equal to the day, but will himself be our
strength to all eternity. And mark it down, my soul, as the most
blessed part of those daily benefits; he that thus loadeth the soul
with all the benefits of covenant blessings, in the grace, mercy,
favour, love, blood, righteousness, and all the sweet tokens of
redemption in Jesus, signs and seals every one of them in his dear
name: and as he said to Abraham, so he saith to all Abraham's seed,
"Fear not, I am thy shield, and thine exceeding great reward." Shout
then, my soul, and henceforth let this be thy morning song: "Blessed be
the Lord, who daily loadeth thee with benefits."
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