Jeremiah 31:14

"And my people shall be satisfied with my goodness, saith the Lord." - Jeremiah 31:14

Examine thine heart, my soul, this morning, and see whether this blessed promise is really and truly fulfilled in thy experience. Art thou satisfied with Jehovah's goodness? Yes, if so be thou hast so received that goodness as manifested and treasured up in the person and work of Christ, and art so believing as to be living wholly upon it. This is a grand thing to do; and when it comes to be strictly enquired into, few, very few, are living so wholly upon it, and so completely satisfied with it, as to be seeking for no additional satisfaction elsewhere. Now, my soul, as there are but few that are so fully satisfied with the Lord's goodness in everything that concerns salvation, both in providence and grace, let thy morning thoughts be directed to see whether thou art one of that happy few. I will, for the sake of shortening the inquiry, take up the subject from this ground; that thou art satisfied thou hast an interest in Jesus. Thou hast a long time since been driven by thy necessities to Christ as a complete Saviour; and thou art resting all thy hopes, joys, and expectations, upon his blood and righteousness. I will consider this point as fairly and fully determined. Why then, perhaps, my soul, thou wilt say, is not this to be satisfied with Jehovah's goodness? Alas, here is the great defect of God's people! Though resting on this foundation, how often may they find their hearts exercised with endless perplexities how this grace is to be improved, or how that gift is to be employed. And according as it appears to their view they have improved the one, or employed the other, their peace and comfort is proportioned. My soul, do you not see that this is self-satisfaction, and not being satisfied with God's goodness? This is setting up the comforts of Jesus's graces and Jesus's gifts above the glorious author of those gifts and graces. To be really satisfied with God's goodness, implies living upon that goodness; and that is Christ himself. Living upon Jesus, acting faith upon Jesus, perceiving all our fresh springs to be in Jesus, and therefore drawing all from him. And, my soul, if thou art thus satisfied with God's goodness, thou wilt find it is injurious to the comfort and blessedness of this life of faith to be ever looking off Jesus to anything his grace and goodness worketh in thee, lest in the view of the work itself, be it what it may, the source of that work is overlooked, and self-satisfaction, instead of Christ-exalting, should creep into thy soul. In every act, my soul, see to it then that all thy satisfaction is in Jesus, as the goodness of Jehovah. Lord, fulfill this sweet promise, and make me satisfied with thy goodness!

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