"My beloved standeth behind our wall. He looketh, forth at the windows, shewing himself through the lattice" - Song ii. 9.
It might be truly said, that it was behind the wall of our nature the
Lord Jesus stood, when, by taking a body of flesh, he veiled the
glories of his Godhead, during the days of his humanity. And may it not
be as truly said, that it is still, as from behind a wall, all the
gracious discoveries he now makes of himself are manifested to his
people? For what from the dullness of our perception, the unbelief, and
the sins and infirmities of our nature, the most we see of our Jesus is
but as through a glass darkly. But yet, my soul, how sweet are even
these visits of his love, when we can get still but a glimpse of the
King in his beauty, through the windows of ordinances, or the lattices
of his blessed word. Oh, precious Jesus! let thy visits be frequent,
increasingly lovely, and increasingly glorious, that the souls of thy
people may increasingly delight in thee! Methinks I would lay about the
doors, and windows, and courts of thy house, and be sending in a wish,
and the fervent prayer of a poor beggar who is living on thy bounty,
that thou wouldest come forth to my view and bless me with thy
presence, until that all intervening mediums of wall and windows are
thrown down, and Jesus manifests himself to my longing eyes in all his
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