"They shall cry unto the Lord because of the oppressors, and he shall
send them a Saviour, and a great one, and he shall, deliver them." - Isa.
xix. 20.
Mark, my soul, the sweet encouragement contained in these words. Here
is a cry, and it is the cry of the soul; for it is directed unto the
Lord. There is (as Elihu tells us) a cry of nature under oppression;
but as this is not to God, it is evident that it never came from God;
for he tells us, that none of them saith, "Where is God my Maker, who
giveth songs in the night?" Job xxxv. 9. But when the Holy Ghost
convinceth of sin, and puts a cry in the heart by reason of it, he
convinceth also of the righteousness of Jesus. Hence the difference of
those cries is as wide as the east is from the west. Mark, therefore,
my soul, this distinguishing feature of grace, and see whether thy
cries are praying cries, and not complaining ones. And now observe what
follows. When poor sinners thus cry unto the Lord, "he shall send them
a Saviour, and a great one." Who but God the Father, sent his Son to be
the Saviour of poor lost sinners? Was not Jesus a Saviour indeed, and a
great one! Who, but he, could deliver the sinner from destruction? And
remark further, the absolute certainty of the promise; for it is said,
"he shall deliver them." Yes, blessed Jesus, thy deliverance is sure,
thy salvation certain. Thou hast said, thy "sheep shall never perish,
neither shall any pluck them out of thine hand." Pause, now, my soul,
over this sweet verse. Surely in its bosom is folded up the sum and
substance of all the gospel. Here are all the Persons of the Godhead
engaged for the salvation of every poor crying sinner. Here is God the
Holy Ghost, agreeably to his blessed office, causing the sinner to feel
the oppressions of sin, and putting a cry in his heart to the Lord, to
be delivered from them. Here is God the Father, answering that cry in
mercy, and sending his almighty Son to be the Saviour of the poor
sinner. And here is Jesus the Saviour, and a great one, saving the poor
sinner with an everlasting salvation. Shout then, my soul, and begin
the song of salvation to God and the Lamb!
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