"Behold the man whose name is the Branch." - Zechariah 6:12
My soul, listen to the call, and behold this wonderful Man, whose name
is the Branch. Mark the wonderful features of his person. This is one
of the prophetical names of Him, in the faith of whom, as the Redeemer
of Israel, all the old testament saints died. The branch of the
Lord - the branch of righteousness; or, as he is elsewhere called, the
Nazarene. But observe how very descriptive of his nature is this title.
He grows up out of his place. And where is that? rain the eternal
counsel of Jehovah. Who shall declare his generation? He is indeed a
rod out of the stem of Jesse, and a branch out of his roots. But all
this as the root himself of David; planted in the eternal purpose of
God's own sovereign decree, and budding forth as a branch in all the
periods of his incarnation, death, resurrection, ascension, glory. And
what a branch of never-failing loveliness, and everlasting verdure and
fruitfulness, in all the proclamations of his gospel, converting
sinners, and comforting saints. And what an eternal perennial branch to
all his redeemed in grace and glory. Hail, thou glorious, wonderful
Man, whose name is the Branch! Thou art indeed, as the prophet
described thee, beautiful and glorious in the eyes of all thy redeemed.
On thee, Lord, would I hang all the glory of thy Father's house, and
all the glory of my salvation. May it be my portion to sit under thy
shadow with great delight here, until thou bring me home to sit under
thee, the tree of life, in the Paradise of God, in the fulness of
enjoyment of thee forever.
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