"Ye have dwelt long enough in this mount." - Deuteronomy 1:6
Pause, my soul, and remark the gracious words of God to Israel. They
were just entering the border of Canaan at that time. Forty years long
had they been in a wilderness state; many ups and downs, battles and
restings, conflicts and trials. God graciously said, "It is long
enough." "There is a rest that remaineth for the people of God." Hark,
my soul, doth Jesus speak to thee to the same amount? Hast thou indeed
dwelt long enough in this mount of exercises, sin, sorrow, and
temptation? Hast thou seen enough of the emptiness of all creature
comforts to satisfy thee? Hast thou felt enough of a body of sin and
death, which drags down the soul, to make thee groan under it, being
burdened? Is there anything now worth living for? Are not the glories
above worth dying for? Doth Jesus call thee, invite thee, allure thee,
to come up to the Canaan which he hath taken possession of in the name
of his redeemed; and wilt thou not mount up upon the wings of faith,
love, and longing desire, to be forever with the Lord? Doth Jesus say,
thou hast dwelt long enough here below? And wilt thou not say the same?
Doth Jesus call thee to his arms; and wilt thou say, not yet, Lord? Ah
my soul, art thou indeed in love with this prison? Dost thou wish to
wear thy chains a little longer? And is this thy kindness to thy
friend? Precious Lord, break down every intervening thought or passion
that would rob thee of thy glory, and my soul of thy presence, and give
me to cry out - "Hasten, my beloved! and be thou as a young hart upon the
mountains of Bether."
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