"Without me ye can do nothing." - John 15:5
Dearest Jesus, I know this in theory, from thy gracious teachings, as
well as I know that I am by nature a sinner; but I am forever failing
in this knowledge, when I come to put it into practice. Teach me, Lord,
how to preserve the constant remembrance of it upon my mind, that I may
never go forth to the holy warfare to subdue a single foe but in thy
strength, and never make mention of anything but thy righteousness, and
thine only. Be convinced, my soul, every day, more and more, of this
most precious truth, and behold it proved from all the circumstances
around thee. See and remark the total inability either of God's
judgments or God's mercies to induce the least alteration upon the
heart of man, without his grace. Behold the prosperous sinner bathing
in a full river of blessings, himself in health, his circumstances
flourishing, his children like olive-branches round his table, wealth
pouring in upon him from every quarter; and yet he lives without God,
and without Christ in the world; and as he lives, so he dies, in the
vanity of his mind. See him amidst distinguishing preservations, in
battles by sea or land, still preserved, while floating carcasses, or
opened graves, are all around him: do these things bring his heart to
God? Not in the least. The sum total of his character may be comprised
in a few words; "neither God is not in all his thoughts." Look at him
in the opposite side of the representation; let such an one be visited
with chastisements, in his own person sickness, in his family misery,
in his substance want; in short, in all that concerns him, a life of
sorrow, care, anxiety, disappointment, ruin. Perhaps to all these, a
body long the dwelling-place of some loathsome disease, under which he
groans, and at length dies, and dies the same unawakened sinner as he
had lived. And suppose these accumulated evils had been distinguished
also with some more peculiar maladies, in perils in the sea, in perils
in the war, in perils among men; nay, let him be maimed in his limbs,
let him be rotting in a prison, let him be worn out with misery from
evil upon evil, tike waves of the sea following each other; yet still
he continues the hardened, unsubdued sinner under all, and as
unconscious of God's rods as the prosperous sinner before described is
of God's blessings. Are these things so, my soul, and hast thou seen
them? Yes, in numberless instances. Oh then, learn, that without Jesus
thou canst do nothing. Outward circumstances, unaccompanied with inward
grace, leave men just where they found them; and plain it is, that
grace alone can change the heart. Lord Jesus, let these loud and crying
truths, day by day lead my soul to thee! Be thou all in ‘all, my hope,
my guide, my strength, my portion; for "without thee I can do nothing."
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