"As by the offence of one, judgment came upon all men to condemnation;
even so, by the righteousness of one, the free gift came upon all men
unto justification of life." - Romans 5:18
Concerning the ruin in which thou art involved in Adam, surely, my
soul, thou knowest and feelest it from day to day. No one can persuade
thee out of this. Thou art as much concerned in. the sin, and
consequently implicated in the punishment, of the first man's
transgression, as if thou hadst been, and which indeed as thy root and
head thou really wert, in the garden with him when he did it. And thou
feelest the same disposition to sin the same rebellion in thy very
nature. So that most fully and freely dost thou subscribe to the rights
of God's judgment, that condemnation cometh upon all men, because all
have sinned. Now then see, my soul, whether, through the same Almighty
Teacher who convinced thee of sin, thou art convinced also of the
righteousness of Jesus, and art as fully and as truly interested in all
that belongs unto him. Now as Adam and his seed are one in sin and its
just consequences, so equally Christ and his seed, in the eye of God's
law and justice, are one in Christ's righteousness. Remember, my soul,
and it is a great point to remember, Jesus is never spoken of in
scripture as a single person, and as the Christ of God, but as the
covenant head. He is as much the head, the root, the common stock of
all his spiritual seed, as Adam was the head, and root, and stock, of
all his natural seed. So then, as Adam's sin is the sin of all his
children, because they are his children; even so the righteousness of
Christ, the second Adam so called, is the righteousness of all his
children, because they are his children. This is so plain a truth, that
it can need no further argument. The next point now is, in order to
enjoy all the comfort and blessedness which ariseth out of this
precious doctrine, that thou shouldest be able, my soul, to prove that
thou art of Christ's seed. Very fully thou provest from day to day, by
the remains of indwelling corruption that ariseth within, that thou art
of the stock of the first Adam: how wilt thou prove thy relationship to
the second? For, as upon the presumption, I had not sprung from the
stock of Adam, and none of his blood was running in my veins, I should
not have partaken of his sin, or been subject to his punishment; so
equally evident it is, that if I am not born again and belong to the
seed of Christ, I am not interested in him or his righteousness.
Blessed be God! the relationship with Jesus, as the glorious Head and
Mediator of his people, is as easily to be proved as the relationship
with Adam. God promised to pour out of his Spirit upon Christ's seed,
Isa. xliv. 3, 4, 5. Hast thou then, my soul, the Spirit of Christ as
thou hast the nature of Adam? Is Jesus precious, more precious than
gold - his salvation dear - his righteousness thy only confidence? Canst
thou, and dost thou say, with one of old, "this is all my salvation,
and all my desire?" Is he whom the Father delighteth in, thy delight
- he that is the desire of all nations, thy desire? If these and the
like testimonies are in thy experience, my soul, what greater evidences
dost thou need, to manifest thy relationship to thy Jesus, as thy
corruptions prove thee allied to the old nature? See then, my soul,
that thou foldest up this soul- reviving truth for thy bosom, and
carriest it about with thee daily wherever thou goest; so will Jesus be
thy hope and thy portion forever.
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