"And Jesus came and spake unto them, saying, all power is given unto me in heaven and in earth." - Matthew 28:18
Hail, then, thou Sovereign Lord of all! I have lately been following
thee in sweet and solemn meditation through the seasons of thy
humiliation; now let me behold thee on thy throne. And here! am called
upon to contemplate my Lord and my God as possessing universal
dominion. Ponder, my soul, the vast extent. Thy Jesus, as God, as one
with the Father, possesseth in common with him all power from
everlasting. This is his, as God, essentially so; not given to him, for
by nature it is his, being "one with the Father, over all, God blessed
forever. Amen," said Paul; so let it be; so shall it be. And so say I,
and so saith all the church; amen, amen. But what thy Jesus saith here,
in these blessed words, is of a power given to him; and that is a power
as the head of his church and people. And although had he not been God,
one with the Father, he never could have been suited for the exercise
of this power; for unless he had been the mighty God, how should he
have been the mighty Redeemer! Yet being God, and both God and man, it
is precious to consider the power that is given to the Lord Jesus, as
Jesus, "the head over all things to the church, which is his body, the
fullness of him that filleth all in all." Here then, my soul, let thy
thoughts take wing this morning. Behold thy Jesus, the head over all
principality and power. See him, by virtue of his Almighty Godhead,
exercising and giving energy to the fullness of his power as Mediator;
and in this view conceive, if it be possible, to what an extent thy
Jesus is unceasingly exercising his power for the everlasting benefit
of his church and people. All power in heaven, not only among the
highest order of created beings, angels and archangels, but a power
with God the Father to prevail for the eternal salvation of all his
redeemed. He left it as a record how he exerciseth this power, when he
said before his departure," Father,! will that they whom thou hast
given me, be with me where I am, to behold my glory." And he hath power
to send the Ho1y Ghost to all his people. He said himself, before he
went away, "If I go not away, the Comforter will not come; but if I
depart I will send him unto you." Here then, my soul, here let thy
thoughts be directed, to meditate upon the fullness and extensiveness
of that power which thy Jesus possesseth in heaven. Well may it be said
that he hath the keys of heaven, when he hath all power with the Father
and with the Spirit. And well may it he said that he hath the keys of
hell also, when all things in heaven and earth, and under the earth,
are subject to his command. And hath he not power then, my soul, suited
to answer every want of thine, and of all his church and people? Hath
he not power over all flesh, to give eternal life to as many as the
Father hath given him? Wilt thou complain, shall the church complain,
of any want, while Jesus is upon the throne? Art thou poor, is the
church poor, weak, helpless, needy, guilty, polluted, oppressed,
exercised? What of all these, and ten thousand other situations, while
Jesus lives, and hath all power? Nay, is it not so much the better that
the people of Jesus are what they are, that they may be the better
suited for his glory, and that their wants may give occasion for the
supplies of his grace? Hail, thou Almighty Sovereign! Now methinks I
would be always poor, always needy, always feeling my nothingness, that
all these may constrain me to come to thee: so that every day's
necessities may afford a fresh occasion to crown thee Lord of all in a
day of grace, until I come to crown thee, with the whole church, the
everlasting Lord of all in heaven, to the glory of God the Father. Amen.
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