"Unto you, therefore, which believe, he is precious." - 1 Peter 2:7
My soul, art thou anxious to know whether thou art a true believer in
Jesus? Try it, then, by this mark, which the Holy Ghost hath given by
his servant the apostle. Do you believe in Jesus for life and
salvation? Yes, truly; if so be he is precious. Look at him, then. Is
Jesus precious in his person, precious in his work, precious in his
offices, precious in his relations, precious in his whole character? Do
you know him, so as to love him, to live to him, to rejoice in him, and
to cast your whole soul upon him, for life and salvation? Do you accept
him as the Father's gift, the Sent, the Sealed, the Anointed, the
Christ, of the Father? Is he so precious, that there is nothing in him
but what you love - nothing that you would part with? His cross is dear,
as well as his crown! Afflictions with Jesus, sweeter than prosperity
without him! Pause over these questions. Recollect that there is
nothing out of Jesus that can be truly satisfying. Thy dearest earthly
friend, however sweet, hath yet some tinge, some alloy of what is not
sweet. But there is no mixture in thy Jesus; all is pure, and lovely,
and transcendently glorious. He is, as one of old described him, a sea
of sweetness, without a single drop of gall. And now, my soul, what
sayest thou concerning Jesus? Is he precious to thee under all these,
and a thousand more distinguishing excellences? Say, if Jesus were to
be bought, wouldest thou not sell all thou hast to buy? Were he to be
sold, wouldest thou not rather lose thy life than part with him?
Surely, then, he must be precious to thee: and, as such, thou art a
believer; for the apostle has commanded us to say, that "unto them
which believe he is precious." Take comfort then, my soul: he that is
precious now, will be so forever. Yes, precious Lord, there is none in
heaven or earth I desire besides thee!
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