"Now I know that thou fearest God, seeing thou hast not withheld thy son, thine only son from me." - Genesis 22:12
My soul, ponder these words. By whom were they spoken? It is said by
the angel of the Lord; probably the messenger of the covenant; he, who
in the fullness of time, was to make known, face to face, to all
Abraham's seed, the whole revelation of Jehovah concerning redemption.
It was a critical moment in Abraham's life, and a trying moment to his
faith. It is said, "Now I know." Did not the Lord know before? Oh yes;
but he that gave Abraham the faith, now afforded an opportunity for the
exercise of it. My soul, how blessed is it to remark, that the largest
gifts of grace are dispensed, when there is the largest occasion for
them. "As thy days, so shall thy strength be." And, my soul, do not
forget to remark also, that our Isaacs, our children, our earthly
comforts, are most likely to be continued to us, when the Lord gives
grace and faith to be most ready at his holy will to part with them.
When I can say, Lord, all that thou hast given me is thine; and if thou
art pleased to take all, or any part back again, still it is thine
own - not mine, but lent. Oh, for grace, like Abraham, to bless a taking
God, as well as a giving God, and to withhold nothing from him. Pause,
my soul, one moment longer over this precious portion. Is there nothing
more to be gathered from it? Look again; read it over once more. Pass
beyond Abraham, and contemplate the God of Abraham, and see if thou
canst not discover the infinite, unequalled, astonishing love of God
the Father typified in this solemn transaction; and while we behold
Abraham, at the call of God, giving up his son, his only son; may we
not behold God, uncalled, unsought, and without any one cause but his
own free everlasting love, giving up his only begotten Son, as a
sacrifice for the redemption of his people? The patriarch gave up his
son but in intention; but God in reality. And, my soul, what oughtest
thou now to say to God in the view of this transaction? Methinks I find
authority, from these sweet words, to make a paraphrase upon them, and
to make application of them, for all and every circumstance with which
I may be exercised; and, looking up to God my Father in Christ Jesus, I
would say, ‘Now, O Lord and Father, I know thou dost love a poor,
sinful, unworthy worm as I am, seeing thou hast not withheld thy Son,
thine only Son from me.'
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